Mighty penis ring

The mighty penis ring is flexible and silky. With its firm grip, it makes sure that the penis is presented in all its hardness and size. It prevents premature ejaculation and thus enables a longer intensive erotic pleasures.
It offers 10 different modes of vibration and excites even further with its pointed part, which provides a joint pleasure for both. Facing downwards it stimulates the testicles or upwards to stimulate her clitoris.
Using it, common erotic climaxes are inevitable.


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– Mighty penis ring offers 10 modes of different vibration.
– The product is 100 % waterproof – IPX7.

– Material: Medical silicone, ABS motor
– Charger: USB charging
– Size: 7 / 8,8 / 3,6 / 2,1 cm
– Certificate: CE, RoHS

After use, clean it with a mild antibacterial soap and wash it off with water. Air dry it and store in a cool, dry place.